Diagnosing Patterns: Yin Deficiency

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Yin and Yang are two elements that are opposite and in balance. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Yin is responsible for moistening and cooling the body. When Yin is deficient or out of balance, the body shows signs of heating up. It develops slowly over several years and is often due to a lifestyle of overwork and little rest.

The major clinical manifestation of Yin deficiency is dryness. This includes dry mouth, dry skin, dry eyes, and dry hair and nails. Some other clinical manifestations are thirst, especially in the afternoon, night sweats, and the sensation of heat in areas of the chest, palms of hands, and soles of feet.

Foods to help nourish Yin are very important in someone with Yin deficiency, and helpful foods tend to be dark and black colored. In general, a diet with plenty of seafood is especially beneficial for Yin deficiency. Also, caffeine, alcohol, sugar, and strong spicy foods should be avoided as much as possible because those will deplete Yin further.    

Foods to Nourish Yin:

  • Grains:  barley, millet
  • Fruit:  apple, apricot, avocado, banana, lemon, lime, mango, mulberry, pear, persimmon, pineapple, pomegranate, watermelon
  • Vegetables:  alfalfa sprout, artichoke, asparagus, kelp, mung bean sprout, pea, potato, seaweed, string bean, sweet potato, tomato, water chestnut, yam, zucchini
  • Beans: adzuki, black beans, black soybean, kidney, lima, mung, tofu
  • Nuts/Seeds: sesame seed, black sesame seed, walnut
  • Fish:  fish in general but especially clam, crab, cuttlefish, oyster, octopus, sardine
  • Dairy:  cheese, chicken egg, duck egg
  • Meat:  beef, duck, pork, rabbit
  • Herbs/Spices:  marjoram, nettle
  • Oils/Condiments:  honey, malt
  • Beverages: coconut milk
  • Supplements:  American ginseng, royal jelly

A great way to incorporate some of these foods is by snacking on mangos, pineapple, watermelon, and walnuts. In addition, add slices of lemon and lime to your water to stay hydrated. Think about adding bowls of black beans, adzuki beans, tofu, tomatoes, and sesame oil to your meal plans. Also, hop on the coconut milk train and add it into your beverages. You can even have a sweet treat by trying baked pears drizzled with honey.  

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Enjoy a sweet treat of baked pears drizzled with honey, and nourish your Yin even more by having them over a bed of oats or cooked in coconut milk!

Throughout our lives, it is important to remember to take time to let our bodies and minds rest from the chaos of life and work.  This will help prevent burnout and Yin deficiency as we age.